Wednesday 18 February 2009

December 6th, 2006

So, tomorrow (Friday), at 14.00, the long-awaited Hezbollah road show takes to the streets. Postponed due to the funeral of the assasinated Pierre Gemayel, postponed again, arranged by diktat at less than 24 hours notice, and (of course) taking place in the so-symbolic Martyr's Square...the demonstration that everyone has been waiting for with bated breath, with
anticipation and with trepidation, some with fear, all, however,....waiting,because it was coming, and has been for weeks. The temperature, of course, is high: since the resignation of the Hezbollah cabinet members, since the assasination of Gemayel, since the paranoia about Syrian involvement, since the government agreed to the UN tribunal for discovering Hariri's
killers, since Hezbollah's rejection of it, since Aoun's (Hezbollah allies) late-night confrontation with the Lebanese Forces (i.e. mad Geagea's lunatics) on the other side of town had to be quashed by the's been coming. And it is going to be big. Already now (19.52) the cars are racing around the city, flags waving, horns blaring, raising the temperature. If this was
Brazil it would be to celebrate a World Cup win, but here it's politics. School tomorrow finishes early, at 12.00, so everyone can get home (or, in some cases, get to the demonstration) and clear the streets in time, there are going to be lots of arms around.
Today even the armed soldiers guarding PM Siniora's house were twitchy (literally: one of them I walked past was practicing his trigger action - he was bored, of course, and that's why he was doing it, but it was a bit odd nonetheless). In school, staff appear divided: the Lebanese are determined that the school day should be as normal as possible, the foreigners are happy (?!) to finish early. Why not? After all, those of us with foreign passports can get out easily if it all kicks
off, leaving the Lebanese to their fate once more...)...and let's not forget the talk of "Civil War". A nice trope, and an easy one. And also rather thoughtless: BBC Prime the other day had a talk show entitled "Lebanon: On the Brink of Civil War", and the more frightened and simple-minded are echoing it. Let's see, but keep your eyes on the news, my friends. I will update you
all tomorrow.
Stay safe...but come and visit.

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Beirut, Lebanon
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