A while ago (http://anisyxia.blogspot.com/2010/11/bliss.html) I wrote about the construction work taking place right behind my house, outside my bedroom window, and about the workers who were 'condemned' to working on this site, and many others like it. Well, suffice it to say that the work has continued apace, without cessation..the digging down into the bowels of the earth appears to be nearing its end, and only the actual construction of whatever excresence still remains to be built. Be thankful for small(er) mercies: experience here tells me that constructing buildings is less noisy (note: not 'quieter', but 'less noisy') than excavating the ground that makes way for them. I only have a month and a bit left to live here, and someone else will then have to put up with the noise. The memory of it will remain, but will fade.
However, I thought it might be time to update the photographic record of what is outside my back balcony. 'Bliss' captured, photographically, what it was like at the beginning of the excavation. Here is what it is like now. I offer no further comment...imagine the noise, imagine the living conditions of the workers, speculate on the fate of the tree...

...or maybe one further comment...from what I can gather, the building to be erected is purely speculative; nobody has bought it, nobody has (yet) paid for it...it appears that it is being built with borrowed money, on the off-chance that, given its location, the chances are that the apartments will be sold. What that says about this country speaks volumes; what that sadly says about those of us who allow it to happen speaks even louder.